Smile & Be Happy!

My doctor called Tuesday with some exciting news… My lab results were in! My parents and I met with her that afternoon… 11 pages of results - 4 1/2 hour appointment! Lordy lordy! I was finally receiving confirmation of my diagnosis! Just as my doctor suspected, but now with verified proof, I am positive for Classic Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. My blood sugar levels are low, my eosinophils are elevated, my carbon dioxide levels are low, my immunoglobulin subclasses are deficient and I have vasculitis. Have I lost you yet? Enough medical talk! I won’t bore you with the details. 

So now it’s “go time” with a plan! I am getting a port implanted Monday. The port will host my daily IV infusions. Along with the antibiotics, I’ll also be receiving anti-malarial infusions. Babesia is a cousin of malaria - pretty fascinating, huh? Just wait, it gets better! I’ll be injecting myself up to 6 times a day just like your average junkie! Holla at your girl if you’re in the market for immune boosting injections! The daily pill prep takes an excel spreadsheet to manage and is extremely time consuming. I spend WAY too much of my day swallowing pills - some with food, some without food, some 30 min. before a meal, some 30 min. after a meal, some with coconut oil, some on only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, etc.). Who wants to be my personal pill assistant? Just kidding, I’m unable to work right now - I ain’t got no moolah! Oh, and speaking of moolah, don’t get me started on the cost to treat this big bad vector-borne disease (which isn’t covered by insurance companies - insurance companies HATE Lyme Disease). 

Wednesday I started the 14-day Paleo Cleanse. Holy moly! The shakes are absolutely horrible. Thank goodness I only have to drink them for 14 days. Mama’s gag reflexes couldn’t handle another day! When I finish the cleanse, I will follow the Alkaline Diet. The Alkaline Diet helps balance the pH level of the fluids in your body, including your blood and urine. Disease and disorder cannot take root in a body that has a balanced pH level. Unfortunately, no more sweets for this girl! Sigh!

Can’t remember what movie this is from… “When the road get’s bumpy, don’t you be grumpy, just smile, SMILE, smile and be happy!”


  1. I love the positive and organised manner you are tackling this! You will be stronger as a result!

  2. Glad they found a diagnosis and treatment plan! Hope it goes well. I also have vasculitis- mine is caused by my autoimmune disease and we've been playing around with all sorts of treatments. Hang tough!

  3. Keeping you and your family uplifted in prayer. There is no dieases or battle to hard for God. Just like Doug said lean into God and have faith! You're going to kick this disease butt ����.


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