
Tuesday, my doctor called to tell me I tested positive for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Since RMSF is active - my doctor is required to report my case to the CDC. She added another antibiotic to my treatment plan along with additional supplements and homeopathic detox drops.

RMSF causes a skin rash - usually a red or purple spotted rash - but atypical rashes are common too. A skin rash is an indication that the disease is more severe. RMSF damages the blood vessels which can cause clotting in the brain or other vital organs. Loss of circulation to the extremities can be a problem too. 

Multiple times throughout the day my lips, fingers, knees and feet turn purple. I lose entire feeling of my legs and feet regularly. I constantly have a skin rash. I would be the perfect RMSF model! 

I’m anxious to get the rest of my lab results back. I need clarity. How many co-infections do I have? What co-infections do I have? How long is treatment? Is this limited, debilitating and shattered world I’m living in right now permanent? Can I get a witness please?

How in the hell did I become infected with all these awful bug diseases? I’m not super “outdoorsy”. I’ve been camping a total of 2 times in my 28 years of existence. I run outside occasionally. The girls and I frequent parks and swimming pools in the summer. Hmm… Maybe I was bit while trying on clothes at Nordstrom! Maybe it happened while I was working out at Fusion! I bet it happened at the nail salon! Maybe it happened while I was devouring my burrito bowl at Chipotle! Maybe it happened while grocery shopping at Price Chopper! WTF! All joking aside, I would LOVE to know when and how this happened. 


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