I’ve had several people reach out to me after reading my blog to send their condolences and I so very much appreciate it. Although, I want to make it very clear that I am, in no way, writing to get attention for my illness. During this strenuous journey, I’ve found that writing is really therapeutic. My initial reason for starting a blog was to document my disease from beginning to end for my own personal records. I later decided to share my blog to the public to keep everyone informed as well as to become a kindred spirit to others. Writing is not only therapeutic, it’s also a skill that I can STILL perform that Lyme has YET to hijack from me! My brain/mind are slacking. I feel very uneducated much too often. I struggle choosing my words when I’m talking to someone. People probably think I’m a little nuts. Or legitimately stupid. I’m a note taker now. Notes on notes on notes ya’ll! If I’m not taking notes, chances are, I’m not going to remember a darn thing. Brain fog, y...