
Showing posts from December, 2016


Holy smoke! It’s been a chaotic December! The doctor altered my medications and recommended I start detoxing. The 1,000 medications, IV’s and injections have become routine. The black and blue spots on my stomach no longer bother me. I’ve mastered swallowing 10 horse pills at a time. The detox methods that were suggested are all bearable - we can discuss colonics at a later date.  My kitchen pantry looks like a pharmacy. Between the IV tubing, saline/heparin syringes, shots, antibiotic IV bags, lactated ringer IV bags, dressing packages, port needles, medication bottles and other medical related things - I don’t know how we’re able to fit food in there.  I was in the hospital at the beginning of the month because my port was infected. I woke up with a swollen neck and clavicle. I went to the ER and was immediately admitted and put on MORE antibiotics to prevent the infection from getting into my bloodstream. They removed the port and placed a PICC line in my left arm....